Naked Lunch

Naked Lunch
Chord Planting

Monday, March 13, 2023

Retrovisor - Wing Mirror (Reprise)

Joel "Him"

It is not a claim to correct this term, but the digression about it is a claim that it is nothing more than a curious object.

A look back in the life of the human being -my human being- gives me an idea that I want to share that comes in handy while I see the mirror that says Joel, a wise old man, also silently hysterical, who did not admit the doubt. And I would like to believe but they have awarded me -or rather I want to believe that they did-, a genuine skepticism although obstinate in cafeteria discussions.

I am facing the computer on which I write and if I lose my gaze I find the silhouette of someone who, in Plato's time or rather he said: “what happens behind me is reality. The shadows that I see reflected are only a distorted image of that one”. How visually dissonant the world is when I observe it at 130 km/h, a speed already too fast to live.

Could it be some kind of time machine to hear the same sound twice? A question without marital status but if it is citizen enough for this thought, which is already retrograde, is updated at every moment. But I consider stopping. Although if I don't retro-dact I don't retro-regress if it's about concluding. I feed myself back in the same way that the medium by which the vibrations emitted by a naked body that is manipulated does. Do I resonate? Glare? Yes. And perhaps because I frequently go to the past consciously and unconsciously or what do I know about the conflict that ponders my human tendency. The planet consistently resonates with its guests, but its dedication to the notes that rock it is evident by the way it manifests itself. I have seen how some crystals explode exposed to a soprano aria that equals the frequency in which that glass is. Everything has its special tuning and foolishness reaches such an extent that it decodes it for its approval, causing the reckless effect.

I'm on a highway that has the sole purpose of controlling myself and I look through the mirror of the universe without getting a ticket for going with a drunk and lousy driver called with the alias of "him" who does not stop be a pronoun while freaking out and harassing the ride.

I am young but contemporary with my old age, which in turn deals with the complexity of the hypertheses that I shape, distributed in different almost disjoint groups. I regret the fact but if I remember correctly, I have not come this far by eloquence but by reflex. Only something got in the way of something we left behind that when I realized it, watching it through the tiny TV*, I went back in time causing its death. If the one in front is also doing the same, he may harm us. “Objects in mirror are closer than they appear”.

The word or prefix Retro implies an action of going back in time and therefore I would rather say, Reviewer.

Illustrated by Willington Giraldo 

Published by El Clavo Magazine

* The word TELE it comes from Greek root that it means FAR AWAY 

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